EC Analysis Suitcase
The Site Analysis Suitcase was developed together with a customer wanting detailed monitoring of sites for a shorter period of time. The detailed monitoring was required either because the sites would be subject to peak load during events (e.g. festivals or sports events), because neighbors were complaining about noise from the site, or because the site did not perform as expected.
The Site Analysis Suitcase is based on the EC Remote Service Hub interface box and a modem for easy connection to the web platform. The sensor configuration is extended to provide a detailed analysis of site energy and noise performance. All measured data is available for analysis in the Site Analysis web platform and can be exported to excel for further analysis.
The available sensors are:
- AC power measurement
- DC power measurement
- Temperatures
- Other options available on request
Future use:
The Site Analysis Suitcase is a custom-made solution for a specific purpose. The current solution can be adapted to other sensors and other equipment. The EC Remote Service Hub has software for communicating with EC Air cooling units, a range of rectifiers, humidity sensors, and heat meter. It is also possible to integrate other types of sensors and equipment.